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A picture is worth a thousand words. Photos of the impressive work Contra Costa Coatings has performed with their global clientele during the past 25 years can be seen on their website, www.contracostapaintingandcoatings.com. The company, based in San Ramon, California, has serviced major corporations around the Pacific Rim including Venezuela, Guam, Dutch Harbor, Anchorage Alaska, Sitka, Hawaii, and Homer.
They specialize in commercial painting and coatings for large commercial food manufacturing facilities. For example, Kraft Foods Global, which merged with General Foods to become the world’s second largest food company, has been a client for more than 20 years. Other well-known clients have included Shasta, Chevron, United Airlines, Miller Brewing, Jell-O, Morton Salt, Marlboro, and Genentech – a facility that rivals the size of Microsoft. They’ve also serviced numerous tank farms and cranes for Petro Marine, a supplier for the popular TV show Deadliest Catch.
Large or small, clients receive the same superb customer service and recession-proof prices. With their special offer of 10% off all exterior painting during the fall of 2011, local customers can discover for themselves what has made this company so successful.
“We build trusting relationships with our clients and work with them to ensure they’re satisfied with our work,” says president Michael Borris who has been in the industry for 35 years. “We promise to provide high quality workmanship, performance, honesty, and take pride in our work.”
Contra Costa Coatings paints tank farms, bridges, and any steel industrial structure. Although they specialize in interior and exterior tank linings, food grade, acid grade, and potable water grade linings, their services include residential interior and exterior painting as well.
Learn more about Contra Costa Coatings on BuildZoom.
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