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One of the most important sections of your Website is where you describe the various services you provide to customers. This is great for customers who know about your site (or your company) but what about customers who don’t know who you are but still need your services?
Every day, thousands of customers in your area are going online to search for the services you offer but aren’t finding your company – they are finding lead generation services, who then sell you leads for inflated prices or they are finding larger commercial contractors who have in-house SEO expertise.
To help you understand how to level the playing field, we’ve put together a basic primer on how to structure the services section of your site.
A typical implementation involves the set-up of a page called “Services” with a list of the services you provide.
While this is helpful for prospective clients who area already on your site, it’s not the best way to help you connect with new customers through search. What Google sees in the example above, is a page with a number of services listed. While they may conclude that this page is about the services that your company offers, they aren’t going to be able to make a broader generalization about this page that will help you connect with new customers. You need to structure the services section of your site to make it easier for Google to understand the individual services you offer.
To help explain how, let’s consider H.S. Remodeling, a remodeling contractor in Rhode Island.
A prospective customer who doesn’t know about H.S. remodeling is going to search for a term like “Rhode Island bathroom remodeling.” Google will look through their index and return pages that best match the answer to that question. For H.S. Remodeling to be included in those results, they need to structure a page on their site that is about “bathroom remodeling” in “Rhode Island.”
Here is how we structured the “Bathroom Remodeling” section of the H.S. Remodeling site:
There are a few elements in particular that you should pay close attention to:
1. The URL – Make sure that the page contains a descriptive URL that explains the service you offer. For H.S. Remodeling, we included the terms “bathroom remodeling” and “rhode island” in the URL.
2. The Page Title – The page title explains what the page is about. It doesn’t appear on the page itself however is an importance piece of meta information that is used by search engines. For H.S. Remodeling, we titled the page, “Rhode Island Bathroom Remodeling | H.S. Remodeling.”
3. The Description Tag – Like the Page Title, the description tag doesn’t appear on the page to visitors but is a piece of meta information that explains what the page is about, albeit in more descriptive terms. We created a description tag that reads, “H.S. Remodeling provides Rhode Island with premium bathroom remodeling services for affordable prices.”
4. The Header – The header , or H1 tag, does appear on the page and helps explain to users and search engines what the content on the page is about. In this particular case, we simply used “Bathroom Remodeling,” as we felt that “Rhode Island Bathroom Remodeling” would feel a bit clunky for visitors to the site – if you ever find yourself questioning whether to build for users or search engines, always defer to users.
5. The body of the page – This is the meat of the page – the section that explains what the service is and who it is for. It’s also an important location to use key terms that a prospective customer are likely to search for.
When it comes to SEO, there is no magic formula and anyone who tells you there is (other than the engineers at Google), is lying. That being said, you do give yourself the best chances of connecting with relevant clients if you structure your page according to the rules. Hopefully, this article has provided you with some insight into how to accomplish this!
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